The estates team is managed by the Chief Financial Officer and the Trust Estates Manager who co-ordinate the following across the Trust:
- Support with CIF bids. So far we have been successful with the following bids:
Capital funding
The Sandstone Trust’s Estates Team have significant experience in bidding for and obtaining capital funding to enhance its schools’ physical infrastructure. The Team have successfully obtained over £15.5 million worth of funding for its schools from various sources.
Condition Improvement Fund (CIF) Round / Basic Need Funding | Funding Awarded £ |
Renew External Curtain Walling and Doors SCOLA Block | 1,435,637 |
Renew Defective Roofing Systems and Ventilation SCOLA Block | 1,089,967 |
H&S Works Renew Defective Roofing | 628,510 |
Fire Safety Works | 533,851 |
Changing Room Refurbishment | 172,120 |
Boiler Replacement | 428,345 |
Domestic Hot and Cold-Water System Replacement | 489,799 |
Heating Infrastructure Replacement Project Phase 1 | 497,406 |
Safeguarding Works - Boundary Fence Replacement and Access Control | 144,839 |
Heating Infrastructure Replacement Project Phase 2 | 504,794 |
Electrical Safety Compliance Works Phase 1 | 534,181 |
Heating Infrastructure Replacement with Low Carbon Solution | 1,884,388 |
12 Classroom Block to replace temporary classrooms | 3,200,000 |
3G pitch | 740,512 |
Water and Heating Infrastructure Replacement Project | 998,097 |
Electrical Safety and Statutory Compliance | 496,150 |
Boiler and Heating Infrastructure Replacement with Low Carbon Solution | 1,421,170 |
15,656,887 |
The Estates Team also manages these projects on behalf of the school to ensure that they are delivered on time and on budget, and that school life is disrupted as little as is possible.
- Information, advice and support during transition to academy and initial compliance audit
- On-site and by phone support
- 3-year property/condition funding strategy
- Assistance with ESFA data collection surveys
- Assistance with Emergency Planning
- Policy support-eg Health & Safety policy, Asbestos safety policy, Fire safety policy, Managing and selecting contractors policy etc
- Health and safety Induction guidance
- Fire Induction guidance
- Fire Risk Management guidance and reviews
- HSE radiation registration
- Risk assessments
- Accident reporting (RIDDOR) and follow up investigations
- Statutory compliance guidance and audits
- Health and Safety Support
- Assistance with Budget planning
- Assistance with major project or relocation planning
- Assistance in the event of plant or building failure
- Estates monitoring check lists for Business managers and Site Teams
- Assistance with recruitment
- Assistance with Cleaning, Catering & other Estates contract management
- Asbestos management plan guidance & reviews
- Safe minibus use guidance
- Guidance on strategic services for repair and maintenance